Thursday, December 30, 2010

Gui Ling Gao (Chinese Herbal Jelly)

Herbal Jelly, some say tortoise jelly, 龟苓膏 pronounced Gui Ling Gao.

It typically prepared from powder, with other herbal substances added to the jelly to give its bitter (medicinal) taste. To enjoy it, you are sure to find honey served alongside, so that you can adjust the level of bitterness to your own liking.

This herbal jelly is known to have health benefits such as treating sore throats, and improving general health.

As a traditional Chinese medicine, the jelly has always been revered for its universal tonic effect. According to Chinese medical classics, the jelly not only can flush away toxins from the body, but is also effective for problems like damp-heat, yin deficiency, dry skin, pimples, insomnia, lack of appetite, and etc.

Wednesday, December 29, 2010

售卖家庭式制作龟苓膏 ...

新山开屏山庄 - 公园湖边停车场 
Taman Pelangi Indah, Ulu Tiram

View Taman Pelangi Indah Lake Garden in a larger map

家庭式制作龟苓膏 ...
没有添加色素和防腐剂 ...

掺入龟苓膏粉和多种药材配制而成 ...




龟苓膏的口味有许多种, 适当的时候吃一些,有利于消除人体内的积热,解除因气候变化引起的喉咙疼痛、感冒等疾病。人们吃得最多的是原味的。原味的龟苓膏略苦,配点蜂蜜汁、椰汁、炼乳,或加点水果,就会好吃得多。天气热的季节,放在冰箱里冰一下,比较好吃,但怀孕的人最好别多吃。